Version history enables you to keep track of the changes you’ve made to your file, manually save versions, and restore any previous versions.

View a file’s version history

There are two ways to access the Version history:

  1. Type ‘version history’ and press spacebar to activate it
  2. Go to ‘File’ → ‘Show version history’

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Restore a version

You can restore a button by clicking on the ‘Restore’ button that appears when you hover over a version in the list. Once you restore a version, it will replace the current version in your editor and you can continue editing it as normal.

Manually save a version

You can manually save a version to ensure that you’re saving specific milestones you want. This makes it easier to capture a snapshot of the file at a specific time, or record a specific set of changes. Follow these steps to save a version:

  1. Type ‘save to version history’ or go to File → Show version history

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  1. In the dialog, name the version and hit ‘Save’.


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