Materials define the appearance of a 3D object. You can control properties like its color, roughness, metalness, opacity, etc. to make a wide variety of materials like plastic, metal, glass, and paper.

Material properties

Materials share a set of properties, depending on the type of material:

Types of materials

There are four types of materials that can be created in Bezi:

Standard Material

A standard Physically Based Rendering material (PBR) that provides a more accurate representation of how light interacts with material properties

Learn more: Standard Material

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Unlit Material

A simple material that is not affected by its surrounding lights. It’s usually used to create UI that doesn’t need to respond to light, or to produce a flat-shading appearance

Learn more: Unlit Material

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Toon Material

A stylized, non-photorealistic material that gives objects a cartoon-like look

Learn more: Toon Material

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Shadow Material

A material that can receive shadows, but otherwise completely transparent

Learn more: Shadow Material

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Occluder Material

An invisible material that hides objects rendered behind it (ex. portals)

Learn more: Occluder Material

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