You can animate cameras and add interactions for the cameras in the scene by using the State Machine.

How to animate cameras (with interactions)

You can use the State Machine to create auto animations and animations triggered by an interaction. Some of the things you can do is create a guided path animation and a dolly zoom.

Screen Recording 2024-01-23 at 8.37.24

  1. With the camera selected, open the State Machine
  2. Move the camera around, and add states to where you want the camera to move to
  3. Connect the states by dragging out the arrow
  4. Click on the ‘arrow inside a circle’ to open the Interactions popover, and adjust the trigger object, timing, and curve
  5. View the result in Play Mode

How to use the Body Rig for movement in VR

The Body Rig comes with a camera, which is positioned where your head would be when you spawn in VR. Similar to camera objects, you can use the Body Rig with the State Machine to move positions in VR. Some examples of how you can use this in your project includes VR rollercoaster experiences, or instant teleportation.

<aside> ⚠️ *Note: Having certain movements in VR that the user doesn’t control can lead to motion sickness. Be careful when you use this feature to ensure a comfortable experience.
