Latest plugin version: 0.1.3

Step 1

Install the Unity Plugin

  1. In Unity, install 2 dependencies:

    1. glTFast: Download glTFast unity package, and double click to install in the Unity project.

    2. TextMeshPro: In Unity, go to Windows > TextMeshPro > Import TMP Essential Resources.


  2. Install the Bezi Unity Bridge. From Unity Package Manager > ➕ Add package from git URL, and paste the following URL: ****

  3. Once installed, you should see the Bezi Bridge menu in your top toolbar.


Step 2

Link Your Bezi Account to Unity with a Personal Access Token

**Step 3

Export the Bezi File into a File Link**

**Step 4

Import into Unity**

**Step 5

Update or Revoke**