You can link your Figma to Bezi to use frames as textures.

How to connect your Figma account to Bezi

Step 1: Generate your Figma token

You have to set up your Figma token in Figma first. This is a one-time step until the token expires. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. In Figma, go to Menu > Account Settings


  1. Scroll down to Personal Access Tokens to generate a token


  1. Copy the token highlighted in yellow. Continue to Step 2 👇


Step 2: Set up your Figma token in Bezi

  1. In Bezi, select the ‘Image texture’ icon (looks like a square with a line through diagonally) next to Color in the Materials section (available in the right side panel when you have an object selected).

  2. Click on the dropdown that says ‘Image’ at the top, and select ‘Figma Frame’ from the list.

  3. Paste the Figma token you copied into the form field that says ‘Figma token’, and press Enter.

You should be all set!

Screen Shot 2023-03-02 at 1.27.59 PM.png

Link your Figma frame

  1. In the Material section of the right sidebar, select the ‘Image texture’ icon (looks like a square with a line through diagonally).

  2. Click on the dropdown that says ‘Image’ at the top, and select ‘Figma Frame’ from the list.

  3. Copy the link to a Figma frame in Figma (right click on a frame → Copy/Paste as → Copy Link).

    It will look something like: “”

  4. Paste the link into the Figma Frame texture popup in Bezi into the text field that says ‘Link’


Resize the plane to fit the Figma Frame size

You can automatically resize the plane to fit the native size of the Figma Frame by hovering on the thumbnail and pressing ‘Set to native size’
